For all those mamas who can speak from experience, the second trimester is the glorious 3 months in the middle of your pregnancy where nausea disappears, you get some energy back, and you're starting to feel like you've got this big-bod-growing-a-human-thing down! Between weeks 13 and 27 you'll have a long list of things to accomplish before baby shows up, and here are a few that will fit perfectly into the 2nd trimester weeks.
Now that baby is stealing less of your energy, your skin is glowing, and you're sporting that adorable bump, it's the perfect time to document your pregnancy! I know what you're all thinking: Ew. No. Mamas, I hear you! Maternity photos can seem like a lot of work, but maternity photos are such a fun way to look back on your pregnancy to remember the beautiful aspects of growing your little one. You don't have to do anything over the top, or even hire a professional! You can keep it simple and ask hubby to take some shots of you and your bump, or have a friend take some of both of you. The 2nd trimester will be over before you know it, so take advantage of your ability to move around and take some selfies! Remember: Everyone loves a baby bump pic. Like. Everyone.
I know. Scary. For some of us, the whole hospital thing is something you would rather not even think about! But once the second trimester rolls around, you'll want to get an idea of the things that are important to you during delivery. First off, there is no right or wrong birth plan! Even if you're the most laid back pregnant lady in town, you still probably have a few things that come to mind. I'll admit that I did not go into delivery with any sort of birth plan (I know. Insane.), and I wish I'd had everyone on the same page: that I wanted to feel no pain. Like zero hurting. Unfortunately, it only took us about 6 hours of contractions to figure out there was a medication I could have been on before getting my epidural. How lovely. It would have saved me a lot of tears, and may have even made delivery a little easier if I had gone in with questions for my nurses.

Here's a couple of examples of a medicated birth plan, and an unmedicated plan:
1. I plan to deliver my child with the help of an epidural.
2. I plan to wait until I am dilated to a 4 before receiving the epidural.
3. I would like to have the option to have pain medication before receiving my epidural to help control pain and stress.
4. I would like my IV placed in my arm instead of my hand to be more comfortable.
5. Once baby is born I would like to immediately have skin-to-skin contact.
1. I plan to deliver my child without the use of medication.
2. I would like to control pain using relaxation, massage, and water therapy (if available).
3. If labor is not progressing, before induction drugs I would like the option to induce naturally (by walking or light exercise).
4. I would like to be in a semi-squatting position for pushing.
5. I would like to push at my own pace.
Remember: Every mama has her dream delivery, and you have every right to ask for those things that matter to you! You're doing the dirty work, so you make the calls.
The nesting struggle is so real! You have been looking on Pinterest for too long and now you have the perfect color scheme, crib, lamp, and nursery rug picked out for the baby's room. And then you remember that those were all pictures from North West's nursery and you come back to earth. Sigh. In all honesty though, the second trimester is a great time to get baby's room set up and organized. Whether you're going simple to fit into your tiny apartment; or, you've got the time, budget, and space to really go all out - take some time to make their room a comfortable, tranquil space. Here's a couple things that were on my must have list that made bringing baby home so much easier!Getting baby set up in a crib early on will make sleep for everyone easier! I recommend a simple style that can fit into any nursery like this Lolly 3-1 Convertible Crib
Keep things organized with a cute little dresser like the Babyletto Gelato 3 Drawer Changer Dresser. Storage like this is a must for my little one's room. Great for storing all the necessaries, and can also double as a changing table!
Remember: You'll probably be spending a lot of time in your baby's room, so you want to make it a space you can actually enjoy instead of dread.MAKE A LIST OF THINGS YOU STILL NEED
Don't let pregnancy brain get the better of you once you're past the magical 27th week! If you have a list of things that you still need to get for baby, yourself, or your house write them down (or make a list on your phone, which is much harder to lose) so that you can check those things off as you get them. It can sometimes feel like the list never ends, and honestly the feeling is pretty much the same once baby shows up. But making a list will help you keep cool and prioritize those things you need. During my second trimester I made a list of things I needed like my breast pump, a good nursing bra, and some cozy socks for delivery. I also made a list of things baby still needed like bottles, diapers, and swaddle blankets. Remember: You don't have to get everything done in a weekend. Spreading out your list helps make the list easier to accomplish!
The 2nd trimester is a rare treat during pregnancy that should not go to waste. Make sure to take advantage of this time to get take care of a few things for baby, a few things for you, and a few things for home. You'll thank yourself later.
Keep up the good work mama!
PC: Always Felica
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[…] you’re looking forward to the arrival of your little bundle of joy, you’re probably nesting. Cleaning your living space, arranging the baby’s room, and packing (and re-packing) the […]