"I'm sorry my pregnancy hormones verbally abused you...now go get me some ice cream!"
It is week 10 of your pregnancy, and if you find yourself saying phrases like the one above, then you are right on track! As your baby officially graduates from an embryo to a fetus this week, you may notice some big changes in your own body! Along with the nausea and/or vomiting (on top of all the other glorious symptoms) you may have already experienced, you may develop the oh-so-charming inability to poo, so make sure you are staying hydrated, mama! Also, adding extra fiber rich foods to your diet (think apples, broccoli, peas and oatmeal) can help you stay regular. Constipation is one of those symptoms that can be mitigated!
You may notice your tummy looking rounder! Your baby has grown quite a bit since conception and your uterus has expanded to meet the needs of your growing baby. At 10 weeks, your uterus is comparable to the size of a small grapefruit. If you don't quite notice any roundness in your lower abdomen yet, don't worry, you will see it in the next few weeks! Something else you may be noticing, however, is the visible veins around certain areas of your body. This is because you now have an increased blood supply to help your growing baby! Eventually, the veins in your hands and feet will expand as well, making them very visible if you are fair skinned.
Because week 10 is the start of the fetal period, lots of good stuff is happening! Your baby is already over an inch long, roughly the size of a cherry tomato! Your baby is developing in all sorts of ways; he or she is even growing TEETH! But don't worry, those little chompers won't make an appearance until months after baby is born! The most exciting part about this week is the fetus has ditched its tadpole, alien-like self and is taking on more of a human form. This is due to the development of your baby's skeletal system. Cartilage, bones and joints are all forming this week. You may even be able to see small indents where big joints (knees, hips, shoulders) will eventually develop. Interestingly enough, the elbow joints are in full swing at this point and can even flex! How cool is that?
Typically, around week 10 is the time you have your first doctor appointment. If you or your partner have any personal or family history with chronic illness or other congenital health problems, make note of it and be prepared to speak to your doctor about it. If you aren't sure what your family's health history looks like, this would be an excellent time to call and ask someone in your family who may know. Write everything down (because pregnancy brain is real!) so you won't forget anything important. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor questions; that is what he or she is there for! You will rest easy knowing your questions have been answered.