Looking for neighbor gifts that fun, easy, cheap and the talk of the 'hood can be frustrating! But don't worry, we have you covered over here at BC! These DIY Hot Cocoa Melters will make you the talk of the town with your skills - plus, they're so easy, even your kids can help! #makingmemories
- Plastic spoons
- Cookie sheet
- Wax paper
- 1 Zip lock bag for piping milk chocolate
- Rubber spatula
- Cellophane Bags & Ribbon for packaging
- 1 bag of milk, dark, or white chocolate (chips or melting chocolate). Or, multiple bags for drizzling one type of chocolate over another.
- Toppings of Choice:
- Crushed peppermint
- Crushed Andies Mints
- Crushed Oreos
- Cinnamon
- Mini chocolate chips
- Marshmallows