Maybe we will be able to see our friends again in May. Maybe this house won’t feel so small in May. Maybe I’ll get my sanity back in May. Maybe this quarantine will eventually end in May. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for a new perspective and a new month, and I’m hoping May will bring all those things! Celebrating always helps cheer me up, so check out some of the National Days coming in May that might just do the trick!
May 4th: National Star Wars Day
May the fourth be with you. You know we had to say it! For all our Star Wars loving families, this is the holiday for you, and we know you’ll know exactly how to celebrate it.
May 5th: National Teacher Appreciation Day
Does that count as us moms this year?? Just kidding! We love our teachers, and all the hard work they put in to teach our kids. Especially this year, so many teachers have gone above and beyond to help during these unprecedented times. So send them some love, we know they’ve earned it!
May 9th: National Birth Mother’s Day
National Birth Mother’s Day is observed the Saturday before Mother’s Day, it is a day to recognize the biological mothers of adopted children. This day has been set aside as a day for birth mothers to acknowledge and support one another.
May 10th: Mother’s Day
The day us Mothers have been waiting for all year! I kid, but maybe we do get our hopes up a little. We all have a mom or someone who is a mom to us. So whether you can shower her with gifts, cards or love, make sure you show them how important they are to you.
May 17th: Take Your Parents To The Playground Day
This year we might need to make the world our playground if all our playgrounds are still closed. But, either way, it’s a great day to take advantage of playing outside with our littles!
May 21st: National Strawberries and Cream Day
National. Strawberries. And. Cream. Day! Need I say anymore? Get in my belly!
May 24th: Brother’s Day
Brothers. They’re the best at times, they’re the worst at times, but they’re for keeps. Send some love to all the brothers in your life.
May 25th: Memorial Day
A national holiday celebrated the last Monday of the month, Memorial day is a day to honor and remembrance of all men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is also a day to remember all loved ones that have passed away.
May 31st: National Smile Day
End the month with a smile! Hoping June will be even brighter, and bring us a little more hope and normalcy!