If you’re a nursing mama who falls into any of the following scenarios, then this post is for you! 1. You would like your husband to feed your baby a bottle at 3 a.m. for once 2. You’re headed back to work and don’t want to give up breastfeeding yet 3. You’re trying to up your production without eating oatmeal and flax for every meal, or 4. You just straight up want a reliable, quality, and efficient breast pump that works for your life. Does that sound like you? Then keep reading!
Medela is already a favorite for mamas everywhere for its nursing accessories like their nipple creams or soothing hydrogel pads, but when it comes to pumps they’ve got it down! Whether you’re a mama who is going to be pumping exclusively and needs something electric and hands-free like the Freestyle, or you’re just looking for something quick and handheld to help produce enough milk for bottles with the Harmony, Medela is going to change your pumping game for the better!
Medela pumps are always designed to be comfortable, and easy to use, to make sure you maximize your milk in the least amount of time. All pump parts that come into contact with you or baby are BPA free, and are easy to separate and clean for when you’re not using them. They’re also a leader in 2-Phase Expression Technology for their pumps, which best mimics the way a baby nurses. When a baby latches, they’ll start by taking short, fast sucks to express the milk, this is called the Stimulation Phase. Once your milk is flowing your babe starts taking long, slow pulls as your milk lets down, which is called the Expression Phase. Whether you choose to go with the electric Freestyle or the handheld Harmony, you’re going to be able to replicate these same phases to maximize your production and minimize your frustrations.
This is a double electric breast pump which means you will be able to express from both breasts at once to decrease your pumping time which is just better for everyone! The pump has a rechargeable, lightweight battery, and the machine itself is fairly quiet when it’s running (which is nice to feel like you’re not hooked up to a vacuum cleaner). This pump is going to be perfect for mamas who are pumping multiple times during the day, or are exclusively pumping. It also features a digital display to track your pumping sessions. It includes four bottles/lids so that you won’t have worry about transferring milk into different containers between sessions which is great for working mamas.
One mama’s opinion: You’ll definitely want to invest in a hands-free pumping bra to make your life easier. This pump is a little more awkward to keep attached when the machine is doing the work for you. If you are going to be pumping exclusively, this pump has a carrier for easy transport, and comes with bottles for easy storage.
This is a great pump for mamas who have occasional time away from babe, but are still going to be breastfeeding a majority of the time. Its handle is shaped to be comfortable and easy to squeeze so you’re not going to get tired or cramped while using it. It’s also a breeze to assemble/disassemble for cleaning. It includes two 5-ounce bottles with lids. It also comes with a nifty little stand that you can use when switching from side-to-side, or if you need to take a break. This way, the bottle can’t tip, and you won’t lose all that precious gold you just pumped! The pump also comes with a couple different shield sizes to fit most mamas to cut down on any discomfort.
One mama’s opinion: I can tell you that this pump absolutely made the difference whenever I was traveling, headed out for a night, or just wanted to have some milk stored up in the freezer for baby. I was able to use it on road trips without any lost milk, and it was a great tool to use when I stopped nursing to relieve pressure and discomfort without wasting any good stuff. I love and highly recommend this pump!