That's a Wrap! Free Printable Tags

That's a Wrap! Free Printable Tags

Happy Monday, friends! I hope your weekend was filled making memories and enjoying family. This past weekend I found myself finishing up some last minute holiday shopping and in the thick of wrapping paper, boxes, and ribbons. Honestly, it's a miracle that the wrapping has commenced this early so I'm kinda feeling like a #momboss.

In the spirit of the holiday and giving, I wanted to share with you a free printable tag today created for you lovelies. I've created the "Don't even think about peeking" tag just for you, because I know your kids..they're just like mine. I don't blame them for being curious but come on, questions and nonchalant attempts to snoop around in my bedroom. I'm on to you, kidlets.


To download the printable, click on this link. Once you have downloaded the file, you can print to your hearts content, cut, and wrap like it's your job for three days straight (let's be real). We hope these printables make you smile and that they are the perfect finishing touch because, after all, it's all in the details. Please don't be shy - feel free to share this freebie with all your girls, tis the season to spread joy and good finds!

And that's a wrap! 

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