You never know you need the "cool" feeding gadgets until a full container of yogurt has spilled all over you AND the floor at a fancy restaurant, or when a jar of mashed green beans is flung across the room at your toddler's swimming lesson.
Seriously. Who knew you needed these innovative feeding gadgets? Moms. That's who. Moms always know and that is why I need to tell you about two feeding lifesavers: The NumNum Dips and the Boon Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon!
Both of these products are great for moms-on-the-go aka ALL MOMS! They were made with moms and babies in mind. I speak on behalf of all moms who were once covered in yogurt in public when I say, thank you!
The NumNum Dips are simple, but so smart. With my 4-year-old boy, I never had issues with him wanting to feed himself at a young age; he would actually probably prefer me to still spoon feed him. I have a 14-month-old boy though, who absolutely demands to feed himself and has since he was about 9 months old. Before the NumNum Dips, I would just use a smaller regular spoon and there was so.much.mess. These NumNum spoons allow the child to get enough food, but not too much that they can make a huge mess. Independent kids will love these, and they help teach young babies to feed themselves. They come in a two-pack and sport an innovative design so that there is no wrong way to hold them. One is for thinner foods and one is for thicker foods. We have also heard from some reviewers and other moms that their kids LOVE to use these as teething chewers because of the soft texture and dimpled head. Pro-tip: put these in the freezer for a half hour or so to also help soothe your poor teething babe.
The Boon Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon is one of my favorite baby products ever invented. I don't say that lightly. When we are out-and-about using this, many other moms stop us and ask me where to get this genius tool. You can put any kind of puree or baby food into the Boon spoon. It has a cap to cover the hole, so you can throw it in your bag when you head out. Then, when you want to feed your baby, you simply give the bulb a little squeeze and out comes the perfect amount of food right onto the connected spoon, one bite at a time! I'll say it again...thank you!