Binkies can be tricky and quite fickle. And finding that your baby's binky is constantly falling out of their mouth can be frustrating--especially when it wakes them up! Infants can have a hard time keeping their binky in their mouths because of a few different reasons, including their sucking strength and the pacifier's design. So what do you do to keep the binky in place and your baby soothed and happy?
Since there's not much you can do to change your baby's strength or ability to suck, the best thing you can do is to try a different binky. Finding the right binky to fit your infant's mouth (and preference) can be a struggle within itself, but with a little bit of trial and error, you can find just the right one for your little one!

Binky Design
Not all baby mouths are the same. Some babies have teeny tiny mouths and some have extra large ones! Some babies also have lip ties and tongue ties, which make their sucking experience much different than those without ties.
With that in mind, think about what your baby's mouth is like, and consider a binky that will best suit them. Of course, it may take a few misses to figure it out, but don't give up!
Binky nipples can be made of a few different materials:
Silicone - Strong and easy to clean, but not as soft as latex or rubber. Silicone binkies are usually made of one piece, which means there are fewer crevices where bacteria can hide, and they're less likely to crack and break--a huge plus!
Latex - Soft and comfortable to suck on, but not as durable as silicone.
Natural Rubber - While all binkies are BPA-free, natural rubber is also free of PVC, phthalates, parabens, chemical softeners and artificial colorants. Natural rubber can be more firm, but some babies like that! They also tend to cost more money.
Binkies can also come in a different shapes:
Rounded Nipple - These nipples are rounded like a ball
Orthodontic Nipple - These nipples have a flat bottom
Orthodontic nipples have been shown to help prevent developmental problems and deformities with babies' jaws and palates.
You may find that your baby definitely prefers one kind of nipple over another, or that they can more easily hold one shape of nipple in their mouth compared to another. It's worth trying both to see which your baby prefers.
And remember, you don't have to use an orthodontic nipple--use the style that works best--just make sure you wean your little one off their binky by the time their second birthday comes around.
Remember that size matters:
Binkies come in different sizes. Usually they come is sizes 0-6 months, 6-18 months and 18 months and up. You may find your baby is having a hard time holding their binky in if it isn't the right size for their mouth.
Here are a few different styles of popular pacifiers that parents love!
A favorite for both moms and babies for over forty years, the Bibs natural rubber pacifier allows your child to self-soothe by exercising their instinctive sucking instinct in the most natural way possible, by mimicking both the shape and soft materials of mothers’ breast.
Why Babies Love It:
- Round, flexible nipple mimics feel of nursing
- Plastic shield is designed to curve away from baby's face, preventing irritation
The Natursutten Ortodontic Butterfly Pacifier is made out of 100% natural rubber from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree and is completely biodegradable. The unique butterfly design allows baby extra room to breathe, while the nipple fits comfortably into your baby's mouth allowing your baby to suck without too much effort.
Just like the Orthodontic Butterfly Pacifier, the Natursutten Rounded Pacifier is made out of the same great rubber, but features a rounded nipple and full-lip space on the circumference of the pacifier.
Why Babies Love It:
- The flexible rubber moves with ease during use making it a no-fuss pacifier.
- Nipple fits comfortably in baby's mouth
Parents love these Avent Soothie pacifiers! The long nipple is a favorite with babies, and the hospital-grade silicone is durable, yet still flexible enough, for soothing sucking. The Avent Soothie pacifiers are offered in different color combos and are also offered in vanilla scent!
Why Babies Love It:
- One-piece silicone makes it durable and easy to keep clean
- The long, rounded nipple works well for many babies, especially newborns.
Cutie Pat
Cutie PATs are unlike any other pacifier and/or teether on the market. The Cutie PAT was created with a dual purpose in mind: the pacifier side was created to soothe an infant/baby, and the teether portion was developed to aid with teething relief.
Cutie PAT comes in two shapes: a flattened nipple and a rounded one. You can see which one your baby prefers. It also comes in two sizes, Stage 1 for babies without teeth, and Stage 2 for older babies with teeth.
Why Babies Love It:
- Soft silicone and a choice of nipple shape
- Transition to a teether as baby gets older
Take Safety Measures
- Adjusting the swaddle higher to cover the pacifier
- Placing an object against the pacifier to hold it in the baby's mouth
- Using a Wubbanub and then tucking it into the baby's clothing to keep it from falling out
If you have tried any of these methods, don't fret, we're here to help! While it is never safe to prohibit a baby from spitting out their pacifier, there are ways to help your baby be happier with his pacifier so he'll be less likely to spit it out.
Remember to try out a few different styles of binkies on your baby to find one your baby loves. And never place anything near your baby's face that could cause a breathing obstruction. If you have any questions, give us a call and one of our knowledgeable Cubby Moms can chat with you.
To find out more about binkies and find that perfect fit for your baby, head over to The Baby Cubby, and while you're there, check out our collection of binkies, clips, teethers, and accessories!
Written by Lindsay Helm