My oldest just turned four, and among other realizations with this fun age, I’ve come to find out that I’m probably getting very close to the point of needing to re-evaluate a few situations in our household. He’s becoming much more aware of his surroundings and asking more and more questions as the days go by. Watching non-age appropriate television shows with him in the room isn’t quite as doable anymore as he begins to better understand. And another dilemma I’ve come across is when should I stop allowing him to shower with me?
I’m all about having straightforward conversations with my kids. I think openness and feeling safe to ask questions are extremely important for a healthy relationship between children and parents. So during these past few months, when more questions have been asked and my son has become more aware, I’ve used these instances as teaching moments. But I think we’re to the point that it's time to begin a shift to my teaching moments into more privacy and appropriate behavior based teaching, rather than anatomy. Ultimately there is no clear answer here, just when it seems like it’s time. Each situation is different for every family and every member in each family! I remember when my mom told me I could no longer take showers with my older sister. I was devastated and so confused! The fact that I remember this probably puts me around age five, meaning she was twelve. So it makes sense that my mom would want to give my sister more privacy. But of course, for my young self, it just led to a lot of questions. So I want to be sure to keep in mind the confusion I experienced while managing changes with my own children. I don’t need to explain everything, just enough so that they understand and aren’t confused by my decisions.