It's a car seat! It's a stroller! It's...both?
If you are in the market for a car seat or have recently been researching the latest and greatest of the car seat world, you have likely heard of Doona.
The Doona Car Seat is all about simplifying your life. Its capabilities and functionalities are unlike anything else on the market. It's ability to transition from car seat to stroller so effortlessly is without a doubt the biggest selling point!
The adjustable handlebar will also act as an anti-rebound bar when installed in vehicles, which is a great additional safety feature.
Because of its small footprint, it is incredibly easy to maneuver through tight aisles and other small spaces. It's perfect for anyone really, but especially city dwellers and travelers, who often find themselves on airplanes or in taxis since it can be easily installed without the base.
Things to Consider
Because it is a stroller and a car seat in one, it is heavier than your standard car seat weighing in at 16.5 lbs. However, the bonus is that you rarely will be lugging it around on your arm because of the fact that it has wheels built in.
Another consideration is that this is a rear-facing only car seat, meaning that your child will likely outgrow it and transition into a convertible car seat before his/her first birthday. While it is extremely convenient to not have to haul both a car seat and a stroller from day to day, remember that you may need to invest in another stroller as your child enters toddlerhood. However, at that point, they can likely sit up on their own and you probably won't require a stroller that can accommodate a car seat, so a simple umbrella stroller could get the job done.
Personally, I think the Doona Car Seat is incredibly genius. I love products that have multiple functions and give you more bang for your buck. It is extremely convenient, and for me, convenience and functionality are huge when it comes to what baby products I'm willing to invest in.